Friday, July 08, 2005

Game 84: The power of Mariner Magic

Well it's pretty clear the influence of Mariner Magic. Two days ago Joel Piniero and Gil Meche were called out on this blog. How does Joel respond? A complete game against one of the best teams in the AL. He only struck out two guys, but he used his defense. The 16 groundouts to 9 flyouts is encouraging. Now it's your turn Gil.

Need more proof of the power of Mariner Magic? Yesterday, Travis asked for more PT for Willie Bloomquist. He played again.

Still not convinced? From yesterday's game recap: "Lopez has to get work in the field and it showed last night with errors that resulted in unearned runs". From today's Seattle Times: "Lopez had a nice defensive night," Hargrove said. "He made good plays on grounders, but that pivot he made on the double play was great. He stayed right there and got it done."

Not to mention the curse of the Gil Meche jersey.

If you're not in awe yet, you might want to check and see if you still have a pulse.


  1. I was just working on what I wanted to say about this game last night.

    Did our boy take the next step last night? It sure looked like he did. He baffled one of the most prolific offenses in the league. Pinero had everything working. He realized he didn’t have to overpower guys, he pitched to the park. He pitched to the defense, which was superb. Lopez made some astonishing plays, and like many of the beat reporters are now saying, showed signs of a future gold glove.

    My boy Willie is really coming on fire. The guy has hit 5 doubles in his last 8 at bats. I hate that he is taking a bit of time from Morse though. However I think you have to keep playing him, the nice thing is Willie has a glove for every position. Let’s just rotate him around.

    Under shadowed by this wonderful game was the performance of Olivo, which was again atrocious. Catcher interference is unacceptable, plus he still brings absolutely nothing to the plate. Someone has to want him so lets just dump him somewhere and bring back Rivera.

    It’s hard to be picky though when you destroy the 1st place team.

  2. That's quite a transformation Lopez made in one night.

    Yeah Olivo is garbage. I remember watching him here in Baltimore at the O's games, and he was dropping balls during warm-ups. He was just lazily flipping his glove at the ball. Wouldn't the perfect time to work on your catching be during, you know, PRACTICE!

    The Willie Bloomquist showcase continues. I like the fact that he's hitting too. Throw him in a deal with the guys being mentioned (Winn, Boone, Guardado) and I'd think the M's could get some nice value in return.

  3. The M's are 27th in ESPN's latest Power Rankings. What an embarassment.

  4. Anonymous5:09 PM

    Geez, Sister Asssumpta told us in grade school.."..if you can't say something nice about someone ..DON'T SAY ANYTHING AT ALL!"..we can rip on the M's but you ahve balls to rip the Mariner Magic blog...what do YOU waste your time on ?

    Willie B. for the 2005 Mark Mclemore memorial award?!?!?

    can we make up 15+ games ---actually kind of doubit ,but we made up 13 in 1995--guess jmo would think that's a waste ot ime as well --to have faith !!---over? ,over? ,,its not over until we say its over

  5. Don't worry, jmo's just bitter that his fantasy baseball team is garbage this year.

    And the M's blow out the Angels again. What the heck is going on?

  6. Well, I, for one, believe in the power of the pixel. Unfortunately it seems that every time I throw out huge kudos about George Sherrill, he immediately goes out and has a bad game the next day. The karma has to be getting cashed in now, especially, since my after my last binge of Sherrill praise, he ends up on the DL. Grrrrr. I won't stoop to the "Sherrill Sucks!" level again, though, to try and counteract the jinx. It just doesn't feel right...

    Rick Rizzs: You just took the series from the first-place Angels. What are you going to do.
    Willie Bloomquist: I'm going to Disneyland!!!

    Uh, Willie, it's like practically across the street.

    Okay, okay. I said over at LookoutLanding that I now officially hereby un-hate Willie B. So, I better be nice to him.

    Ya never know -- it might just boost his trade value...

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