Monday, September 12, 2005

Dan the man.....DONE?

Another story that came across big daddy's desk today regarding Dan WIlson the long time fan favorite catcher of our boys in blue. Dan will be holding a press conference at 4pm pst time at the safe. Details as to what the news conference are not known but it is speculated, at least by me, that Dan will announce his retirement. I will post details after I hear the news conference.


  1. It's official. He retired. He was the best. Ben Davis, Miguel Olivo, they couldn't fill his shoes. Can Jeff Clement?

    Thanks for the great years Danny Boy.

  2. It is sad to see him go. There was talk of him getting healthy enough to catch the final game of the saeson and that would be great. I think we are saying goodbye to a Mariner Icon but one that dare I suggest comes back to manage the mariners at some point???? Everyone knows catchers make the best managers!!!

  3. i think that wilson would make a great manager. how about bench coach for a year, then get hargrove out of there and danny takes over?

    remember when he was a good hitter too? such a class act - year after year, some clown was supposed to take over for him and wilson just went out and quietly outplayed his challenger.

  4. Notice how the pitching staff has been in shambles as his career has wound down? I'd love to see Dan Wilson on the coaching staff in '06.

    Catchers do supposedly make great managers, but Melvin was a catcher. Wasn't Hargrove too? We've had some bad luck with that lately.

  5. there is always the hope that he is more scioscia and torre ex-catcher manager than melvin.

  6. Chris -- definitely. He was a far better catcher than Melvin. Wilson would make an awesome coach, but I seriously doubt he'll return to baseball any time soon for the follwing reasons:

    1) He's big time a family man. He wants to give back to his family to make up for the time he sacrificed on the road.

    2) He wants to finish his education. He's a very intelligent man, and would like to pursue his engineering degree.

    3) He could become a broadcaster. He's got skills that direction, too. He'd be more likely to be able to pursue items 1 & 2 above while joining them in the broadcast booth during home series.

    I'm going to miss Wilson, and he's much more valuable to this team than people realize.


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