Friday, June 02, 2006

Behind the Curtain . . .

I am leaving my office in thirty minutes to catch a plane to Miami, and since we all know that nothing gets done in the last thirty minutes of any day, I will bless the Magic with my first post.

I first became a Mariners fan right around the time that Ken Griffey, Jr. made his major league debut. Prior to that, when people asked me where I was from, I told them that I had just moved from New York. That was, of course, not true. But, with the rise of Junior, Seattle became a major league city, and I was happy to admit residence.

I now live in the Nation's Capital, a city that has gone from no baseball, to attempting to create an Office of Baseball as an actual city agency.

I will not promise the detailed analysis of individual games that Travis and Mike provide. I can, however, promise lots of hyperlinks. Because hyperlinks are cool.


  1. Ha! Great first post from Chris. I already feel like I need to step up my game.

  2. Anonymous10:29 PM

    i particularly like the "not true" hyperlink...M's looked almost good tonight so i'm guessing we won't see that for awhile, huh?

    what do you experts think of the line-up shake-up? it seems like a good thing to me?

  3. Anonymous9:33 AM

    Looks nice! Awesome content. Good job guys.


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